EPLAN Electric P8

EPLAN Electric P8


EPLAN Certified Engineer


EPLAN Certified Engineer

EPLAN Certified Engineer is a quality label for EPLAN users who want to distinguish themselves in the market with their knowledge of the EPLAN solutions. With the label they confirm their professional expertise and added value. That gives them a competitive advantage.


You first go through the entire EPLAN knowledge trajectory: you must have completed both the basic module and the optional module. After that you can take the ECE exam.

Basic module:

  • Depending on your level of knowledge, your certification starts with an EPLAN basic training or a refresher training, followed by several training courses that broaden your knowledge of the EPLAN Platform.

Specialized elective modules:

  • After completing the basic module, you will choose one of three specialized subjects. The Standards and Product Structure module focuses on standards-oriented design and documentation, and product structuring. The Automation module takes a closer look at scripting and PLC. While the 3D module focus on the virtual prototype of your enclosure.
  • You must pass the ECE exam.

Fordele og mål




· You will receive a certificate that is

· valid for three years.

· This label increases your market value.

· You may use the ECE logo in your

· communication.

· You may receive invitations to exclusive

· seminars or webcasts for ECE members.


Exam and certificate: practical



· The ECE training and the exam take place in an EPLAN office or Online

· A maximum of 8 engineers participate per session.

· The exam is drawn up and checked by an independent body

· The exam is conducted online and consists of a practical part and an online theoretical part with multiple choice questions.

· You must pass both parts to receive a certificate.

· The ECE certificate remains valid for 3 years. After that you can extend it with a new exam.

Emne og indhold


The training courses below are part of the EPLAN Certified Engineer process. For more information about the training, you can read what the topics are for each training.

Basic module:

  • EPLAN Electric P8 Basic Training Part 1
  • EPLAN Electric P8 Basic Training Part 2
  • EPLAN Electric P8 Refresh Training (12.08.2024)/(13.01.2025)
  • EPLAN Macros and Device Technology (17.09.2024)/(27.02.2025)
  • EPLAN Parts management and master data (01.10.2024)/(13.03.2025)
  • EPLAN Setup and Configuration (15.10.2024)/(27.03.2025)

Specialized elective module:

Module Standards and Product Structure:

  • EPLAN Standards-oriented design and documentation (26.11.2024)/(08.05.2025)
  • EPLAN Product Structuring (03.12.2024)/(15.05.2025)


Module Automation:

  • EPLAN PLC (28.11.2024)/(29.04.2025)
  • EPLAN Automation & scripting (05.12.2024)/(13.05.2025)


Module 3D Design:

  • Pro Panel Basic Training (11.11.2024)/(02.04.2025)
  • Pro Panel WiringTraining (14.11.2024)/(15.04.2025)




Forudsætning for kurset

Aflysning af kursus skal ske skrifteligt til EPLAN senest 14 dage før kursus start. Sker aflysningen senere end 14 arbejdsdage før afholdelse, debiteres 25 % af den ordinære kursus pris. Dette gebyr er også gældende ved udeblivelse fra kurset. Kursuspakker skal anvendes inden for 12 måneder efter bekræftet deltagelse. Kursus pladsen kan overdrages til en anden person uden omkostninger, dog vil vi gerne modtage information om dette senest 3 arbejdsdage før kursus start. I klassekursus prisen indgår kursus materiale, frokost, og vand/kaffe/the. Kurset faktureres med 30 dage netto. Hvis der er færre end 3 personer (2 personer Online kursus) tilmeldt kurset 10 arbejdsdage før kursus start, vil kurset blive aflyst eller flyttet

til et andet tidspunkt. Dette vil blive meddelt via telefon eller e-mail.

Pris Available on request
Kursus nr. XEP30030/XEP30031

Datoer / booking