EPLAN Platform
Oplev fordelene ved EPLAN-platformen

EPLAN Platform

Professionelle ingeniørværktøjer til din elektroteknik

Stort udvalg af EPLAN-konstruktionssoftware fra en enkelt kilde 

EPLAN-platformen kombinerer kraftfuld software til en lang række opgaver og danner grundlaget for et integreret ingeniørmiljø. Vi frigiver en ny version hvert år, som giver dig nye egenskaber og funktioner til mange af vores produkter. På den måde sikrer vi en løbende udvikling af softwaren og giver dig mulighed for altid at arbejde med de nyeste ingeniørteknologier, så du er et skridt foran konkurrenterne.  

EPLAN tilbyder software til en bred vifte af ingeniørdiscipliner fra en enkelt kilde - og det er meget mere end traditionel ECAD-software. Uanset om det drejer sig om foreløbig planlægning, planer for elektroteknik og fluidteknik, design af styreskabe og koblingsanlæg og endda kabelsamlinger: Med Eplan har du altid det rigtige værktøj ved hånden. Desuden tilbyder den nuværende EPLAN-platform dig meget mere i form af yderligere merværdi. 

Oplev fordelene ved EPLAN-platformen 

  • Tiltalende brugeroplevelse og look and feel  
  • Brugervenlig, workflow-orienteret grænseflade  
  • Ny 2D- og 3D-grafikkerne
  • Smart forbundne cloud-løsninger  
  • Fleksibel licensmodel med abonnement  
  • Adgang til praktiske onlinetjenester via www.eplan.com  

Indsigt i EPLAN-platformen

EPLAN Platform 2025

Oplev højdepunkterne i vores nyeste version af softwaren

Den kommende version af EPLAN-platformen fokuserer på endnu nemmere og mere effektiv brug af softwaren. 

Dette gøres muligt med hurtigere datatilgængelighed og større datadybde på vigtige punkter i processen med at skabe skemaer, herunder i egenskabsoversigten, i Device Management og via QR-koder eller billeder direkte på symboler i skemaerne. 

El-ingeniører er ikke de eneste, der vil få gavn af den nyeste version af softwaren, for det vil fagfolk inden for design, produktion og service af kontrolskabe også. 

Your highlights

Macro preview in parts management

The new EPLAN Version 2025 supports users with the new macro preview in parts management. In addition to the images already provided in the current version, further device information such as the 2D model, the 3D enclosure layout and the schematics macro are available here. Electrical engineers can see at a glance which data and macros are defined, for instance for a motor, without having to go through the properties menu.

Component-specific properties display

Different types of components such as cables, wires or terminal naturally have different properties that define the component and that you need for project planning. In EPLAN Version 2025, these component-specific properties are immediately available to you when you click on the component – and not just in the properties overview, but also in device management. The information displayed is fully configurable and can be individually defined for each type of component.

New Comment Navigator

In EPLAN Version 2025, there is a new PDF Comment Navigator available in the ribbon bar, which facilitates collaboration between designers and for making corrections on the schematics. Users of this collaboration element additionally benefit from further enhancements to the Comment Navigator, including the option of adding your own comments, to-do lists and status updates. Tip: With EPLAN eVIEW, you can realise unlimited and cloud-based collaboration, including extensive redlining and greenlining functionality.

Images and QR codes attached to symbols

With EPLAN Version 2025, you can make your designs more colourful – with context-related images and QR codes that you can link to symbols and place directly on them. Thanks to the link, the image automatically adapts to any changes made in the schematics. Furthermore, the linked QR code offers you much more data depth; just scanning it leads you directly to installation instructions and servicing information. It helps make your schematics more quickly understandable for downstream departments and enables production, commissioning and service to carry out their tasks more quickly.

Mechanical feed-through of cables

Dependencies between cables and components, for example with a current transformer, are automatically displayed in the new version of EPLAN Electric P8 and transferred to connection or cabling lists. This means that time-consuming correction loops due to missing cables can be avoided. The mechanical cable connection is also available for panel building and control cabinet construction in EPLAN Pro Panel. The software automatically recognises the dependencies between components and cables, and routes the cable through the component without manual intervention.

Taking machine cabling a step further

Correctly defining prefabricated cables in EPLAN Electric P8 and precisely wiring them virtually with EPLAN Cable proD

Prefabricated cables are the method of choice for machine cabling. The challenge lies in the correct definition in the schematics as well as calculating the right cable lengths. EPLAN has found an efficient solution for both in the upcoming version – enhancements in EPLAN Electric P8 in conjunction with the new EPLAN Cable proD make machine cabling a breeze. EPLAN Cable proD, the new product available starting in summer, serves as the interface between the 3D model from MCAD systems and the right cabling information from EPLAN Electric P8. It allows cables to be precisely defined, routed and ordered in the correct lengths.

Directly to the finished terminal strip

Interface between EPLAN Pro Panel and Phoenix Contact ClipX Engineer

In EPLAN Version 2025, exchanging data in control cabinet engineering from EPLAN has become very simple as regards terminals from Phoenix Contact. The new interface to ClipX Engineer enables users to import complete terminal strips from EPLAN Pro Panel into the Phoenix application. ClipX Engineer automatically checks the terminal, adds missing or incorrect components as needed, and transfers the finished terminal strip back to Pro Panel. This means that Phoenix terminal strips can be correctly designed from the very start, including all the necessary components, allowing mistakes to be avoided from the very start.

eLearning-kurser, tekniske skabeloner, guidet installation og meget mere

Praktiske tjenester venter på dig på www.eplan.com: Brug f.eks. vores tekniske skabeloner til dit daglige arbejde. Og med vores eLearning-kurser kan du blive fortrolig med vores software via interaktive online-tutorials. Tilmeld dig nu* og opdag det hele!

Tilmeld dig nu til Platform Version 2025

*Det tekniske krav er oprettelsen af et EPLAN-id, der er knyttet til din virksomhedsorganisation.  

Webcasts og træningskurser om EPLAN-platformen

Du vil altid være opdateret med vores webcast-serie og uddannelseskurserne til den aktuelle version af EPLAN-platformen. Vi anbefaler, at du får et første indblik i de stærke muligheder i den nye Eplan Platform Version 2025 med vores gratis webcasts. De er en næsten ubesværet måde at finde ud af, hvordan softwaren kan understøtte dine personlige processer.  



Vi er glade for at kunne hjælpe!  

Vil du gerne vide mere om de muligheder, EPLAN tilbyder for dit ingeniørarbejde? Så kontakt os, vi hjælper gerne!